Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Ideal Gas Law

The Ideal Gas Law is where simpler laws such as Boyles law is derived from. As you can see, this law relates all the factors in a gas problem together. Keep in mind that this gas is an Ideal Gas which means that we neglect intermolecular forces and the volume of the molecules present. R is the universal gas constant which has the value .0821 L atm/mol K.

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Avogadro's LAw

Avogadro's Law tells us that for a gas at constant temperature and pressure, the volume is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas. For example, if the moles of a gas present is increased, the volume will increase in order for the pressure of the system to remain constant. Also, equal volumes of gasses at the same temperature and pressure have the same number of particles.

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Monday, May 9, 2016

Air Bag Lab

In this lab, we simulated the inflation of an airbag using a ziplock bag using baking soda and vinegar. To prevent the bag from not filling up or popping, we used stoichiometry and gas laws to calculate the right amount of both ingredients needed from the volume of the bag. To receive full credit, our teacher would pinch the bag and if both sides didn't touch or the bag didn't pop we would pass the lab. Luckily in our class, no one's bag popped and we all passed.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Heat in chemistry is defined as the transfer of energy. We always measure the flow of heat energy, which always moves from a warm to a cold body. To calculate for heat, we use the equation Q = mcΔT, where Q is heat in joules and c is specific heat.

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Thermodynamics is the study of energy transformations. Energy is defined as the ability to do work in physics. In chemistry, work is defined as directed energy change resulting from a process. Teo common forms of energy in chemistry are kinetic energy and potential energy. In a reaction, if there is an output of energy out of the system, then the reaction is exothermic. If there is an input of energy into the system, then the reaction is endothermic.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Characteristics of Gases

In our calculations, we consider gasses to have no definite volume which means that they expand spontaneously. Other properties of gases include being highly compressible and able to form homogeneous mixtures. Boyle's Law also states that pressure and volume of gasses are inversely related. For instance, if the volume of a container increases, fewer collisions with the container occur which is interpreted as a decrease in pressure.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Covalent Bonds

Covalent bonds result from two nonmetal atoms sharing electrons. Both atoms share these electrons to fill their octet. When atoms of different elements share electrons through covalent bonding, the electron will be attracted more toward the atom with the higher electronegativity. This unequal sharing of atoms creates an electric dipole which makes the bond polar.

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Molecular Geometry

Image result for vsepr theory exampleThe VSEPR theory is used to predict the molecular shape and function of a molecule. The way the molecule arrange themselves will depend on the number of lone pairs and bonded entities. Remember that a lone pair is a pair of electrons not shared between atoms. In this class, we only learn about five types of molecular geometries: tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal, bent, linear, and trigonal planar. Remember that symmetry will result in a nonpolar molecule so tetrahedral, linear, and trigonal planar molecules are nonpolar.
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