Thursday, May 5, 2016

Characteristics of Gases

In our calculations, we consider gasses to have no definite volume which means that they expand spontaneously. Other properties of gases include being highly compressible and able to form homogeneous mixtures. Boyle's Law also states that pressure and volume of gasses are inversely related. For instance, if the volume of a container increases, fewer collisions with the container occur which is interpreted as a decrease in pressure.

Helpful Links


  1. That "chem team" link you posted was more in-depth than I expected. It helped me clarify the laws a tad more, which was helpful. Thanks!

  2. These are some great links and are very helpful. Also thanks for the quick review on gases in your post!

  3. Thanks for your help! It helps to see all of the information together, rather than being spread out upon ten different worksheets.
