Frontier Chemistry Project

On this page you will find a Missouri plant resource guide including medicinal plants from Eastern Deciduous Forest and Tall Grass Prairie that treat miscellaneous afflictions.

While identifying plants and roots, it is important to identify them correctly because some plants could have undesirable effects when used medicinally. Not only will the plant probably not treat your malady, it could also be poisonous.

When dealing with natural medicines and food, it is critical to know a variety of species from other regions because different plants grow in different regions. Knowing the plants in one region won't help you when you are placed in a different region because not all regions have the same plants.

When traveling, the time of the year is important because seasons grow different plants. Knowing plants from every season can be useful because each season has different plants growing.

Developing a relationship with locals as a scientist when studying about their plant habitat is significant as locals might have more information and experience on the plants that could help your research. It could also be beneficial to locals because they have an opportunity to learn about how their medicinal plants work.

If I was found without traditional medicines or a reference text, I would not trust my knowledge because I wouldn't know enough about the local flora. However, if I had a reference text, I would trust it and use it to treat my maladies.




Tick bite

Sore throat



Food poisoning

Sprained ankle/wrist

Knife cut

Axe wound

Snake bite (Rattlesnake)


Rope burn

Poison Ivy


Fungus infection

Bear attack (large flesh wounds)

Deep puncture wound

Burns from oil


Flea bites


Gunshot wound

Broken bone

Burns from fire


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