Thursday, September 24, 2015

Beanium Lab

In the beanium lab, we started with a sample of beanium atoms and counted the amount of each beanium isotope which were white, black, red, and pinto beans. Me and my partner then determined the average mass and abundances of each isotope. With that, we worked out the average atomic mass of the beanium element.

Total mass of the white beanium isotope

Grouped white beanium isotopes
example calculation for average atomic mass
Helpful web resources:


  1. Holy Guacamole, Peter, your blog looks amazing! I think that it is very well organized and the design and variety within your posts helps keep the reader's attention. Good job on documenting the Beanium Lab! Would you like or dislike this lab?

    1. Thanks Ganon! I would say that I enjoyed the beanium lab because it helped me visualize isotopes and calculating average atomic mass.
